We are Abolitionists. We are not Pro-Life.

We at Abolish Abortion Oklahoma (AAOK) seek to abolish abortion to the glory of God. To that end, we must fight the Pro-Life movement, which at large seeks to regulate it. Their strategy is one that will always keep abortion legal, because they refuse to approach the issue the way God demands us to.

Abolish Abortion Oklahoma specifically exists to assert the Lordship of Christ into the legislative realm of Oklahoma, specifically by abolishing abortion. We will support abolitionist candidates and legislation with independent campaigns, resources, and events. AAOK is a political action committee.

Abolitionism is...


We recognize that the chief weapon we possess in the fight against abortion is the gospel. Abortion is sin and the only answer for sin is repentance and a saving faith in the finished work of Christ. The Gospel alone can truly and permanently mobilize human action, motivate moral behavior, and mandate consistent, compassionate social justice. It brings redemption from destruction; it is the wellspring of love, hope, and joy, and the real answer to abortion.

Christ’s Great Commission to the church is not limited to evangelism, but also requires discipleship. Christ told his disciples to “Teach… them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you.” (Matt. 28:20)

Christian, faithfully obey the Great Commission! Love God with your all your heart, soul, and mind. Call all men to faith and repentance. Teach and exhort obedience to all that Christ has commanded. Make disciples that love what God loves and hate what God hates. Make disciples who desire – along with their Father in Heaven – to seek justice, to correct oppression, and to take up the cause of the 3,500 abandoned children who are murdered every day. If we love our preborn neighbors as we love ourselves, we will not rest until abortion is abolished.

We are committed to an uncompromising adherence to the good news that God stepped down into human history as Jesus Christ. He was conceived in the womb of a young, unmarried woman who did not choose to be with child. He lived a sinless life, and by His death redeemed a lost, wandering, and wicked people from sin, punishment and eternal separation from God. The fullness of the Gospel of God is supreme above all philosophies and ideologies and without the Gospel there would be no call for, or means of, Abolition.

Aligned Providentially

We rely on the Providence of God, not the pragmatism of man. Abolitionists do not trust in war-horses or chariots. We trust in the spiritual means and methods God has given to us in His Word. Abolitionists have always cried, “duty is ours, the results are God’s!” We look to the Spirit of God to lead us, believing He is our ever present guide and that He is not silent.

We depend upon the Providence and Sovereignty of God. “… He giveth to all life, and breath, and all things.” (Acts 17:25) It is the power of God working through His Holy Spirit that changes hearts. Yet we acknowledge that God has deemed men active participants in this drama. He gives us choices, and these choices have consequences. (Matt. 9:38Acts 27:22,31) We are called to be faithful – to walk in righteousness – to speak the truth in love -and to trust in him above our own understanding. 

Through the Church

We recognize that the chief weapon we possess in the fight against abortion is the gospel. Abortion is sin and the only answer for sin is repentance and a saving faith in the finished work of Christ. The Gospel alone can truly and permanently mobilize human action, motivate moral behavior, and mandate consistent, compassionate social justice. It brings redemption from destruction; it is the wellspring of love, hope, and joy, and the real answer to abortion.

Christ’s Great Commission to the church is not limited to evangelism, but also requires discipleship. Christ told his disciples to “Teach… them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you.” (Matt. 28:20)

Christian, faithfully obey the Great Commission! Love God with your all your heart, soul, and mind. Call all men to faith and repentance. Teach and exhort obedience to all that Christ has commanded. Make disciples that love what God loves and hate what God hates. Make disciples who desire – along with their Father in Heaven – to seek justice, to correct oppression, and to take up the cause of the 3,500 abandoned children who are murdered every day. If we love our preborn neighbors as we love ourselves, we will not rest until abortion is abolished.

We are committed to an uncompromising adherence to the good news that God stepped down into human history as Jesus Christ. He was conceived in the womb of a young, unmarried woman who did not choose to be with child. He lived a sinless life, and by His death redeemed a lost, wandering, and wicked people from sin, punishment and eternal separation from God. The fullness of the Gospel of God is supreme above all philosophies and ideologies and without the Gospel there would be no call for, or means of, Abolition.

Engaged Biblically

We strive to bring the truth revealed in God’s Word into conflict with the worldly wisdom of man. Rather than leaving the Bible out of our engagements, we are determined to that it should be the foundation for everything that we do. The concept of abolitionism (the removal of evils) is derived from the word of God. It follows from the call to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God (Micah 6:8). God’s people are explicitly instructed to wash themselves, make themselves clean, and remove the evil of their deeds from his sight, to cease to do evil, learn good, seek justice, reprove the ruthless, defend the orphan and plead for the widow (Isaiah 1: 16-17). The Bible does not merely command believers to abstain from evils but also to “expose them” (Ephesians 5:11). Abolitionism also follows from the practice of “pure and undefiled religion”: to look after the orphans (abandoned children) and widows (women in need) in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained by the world (James 1:27).The work of abolition is also required if we are to consistently keep the two great commandments in a culture that dehumanizes and destroys our fellow image bearers and neighbors (Luke 4:18-19).

Abolitionism also stands or falls on the truth of two interrelated theological propositions derived from the Bible and nowhere else.

1. Human beings are created in the image of God and reflect His image.

2. The Creator Himself became a man in order to rescue mankind from sin, self-destruction, death, and eternal separation from God.

Historically, these two propositions have laid the foundations for all human rights movements and campaigns for human equality. They have been a bulwark standing between humanity and the monstrous inhumanities of history. Slavery abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison called the belief that God created man in his own image “a death-blow to all claims of superiority, to all charges of inferiority, to all usurpation, to all oppressive dominion.”

Sought Immediately without Exception or Compromise

We demand the immediate and total abolition of abortion.

We believe that allowing abortion in some cases along the way to its total abolition is neither strategically sound nor consistently Christian. You cannot abolish any evil by justifying or allowing it to continue in some cases. Any strategy for ending abortion in this country which allows for the continued occurrence of some abortions for the sake of eventually outlawing the rest, though seemingly pragmatic, is compromise and it’s promises of effectiveness are false.

We reject incremental abolition, the and the gradual regulation of evil. This fight is not an issue of what seems practical, achievable, or reasonable. It is an issue of obedience to God. We must make no compromise with Sin or the means of fighting Sin. Abortion is the abominable sin of child sacrifice and as such we call for its immediate and total abolition. God never accepts a gradual repentance of sin (individually or nationally) but rather demands a radical cutting off and turning towards Christ alone in total faith. Jesus declared to sinners, “Go, and sin no more.” (John 8:11) Repentance is not evolutionary transition from darkness to light over time. Repentance is a complete reversal of belief, thought, and action.

These summaries are taken from AbolishHumanAbortion.com

Abolition bills...

Outlaw abortion from conception.

First and foremost, an abolition bill establishes that there is no right to murder a preborn human being at any point. An abolition bill does not regulate which preborn human beings are old enough to be protected by law – it outlaws abortion itself. Any law regarding the legality of abortion which fails to outlaw the murder of preborn human beings from conception legitimizes the murder of some children and is therefore iniquitous and entirely unacceptable.

Do not include any exceptions for abortion.

An abolition bill does not leave any preborn humans unprotected by law, unlike many pro-life bills which include exceptions allowing for abortion; for instance, in the case of rape. Isaiah 10 says “Woe to those who make iniquitous decrees” which “make the fatherless prey.” There’s no one more fatherless than the child conceived in rape. It’s unacceptable to allow for the murder of a baby because of the crime of the father. On top of being iniquitous, allowances for abortion in certain scenarios undermines the whole case against abortion. If abortion is murder, it doesn’t stop being murder because of the circumstances of the baby’s conception.

Criminalize abortion itself and establish equal justice for the preborn.

An abolition bill makes preborn human beings completely equal under the law. That means murdering or being an accomplice to the murder of a preborn human being comes with the same legal penalty as murdering or being an accomplice to the murder of a born human being. Pro-life bills which give automatic legal immunity to the mother deprive preborn human beings of equal justice and protection. This hypocrisy actually led to the decriminalization of abortion in the first place. The Texas abortion statutes in question in Roe gave automatic immunity to the mother in all cases. Justice Blackmun wrote in Roe footnote 54 that if Texas really believed preborn human beings were persons, the state would legally penalize those who murder them to the same degree as those who murder born persons.

Do not submit to unconstitutional or unjust rulings, and seeks to countervail tyranny.

Roe was an evil, unconstitutional Supreme Court opinion ordering the states to allow mass murder within their jurisdictions. An abolition bill recognizes that the courts, or any legislative body, have no rightful authority to legalize murder. Court opinions legalizing murder are null and void by their nature and will be treated as such upon the passage of an abolition bill. In addition to a magistrate’s duty to uphold the Constitution in the face of judicial tyranny, all men have a transcendent, immutable moral obligation to disregard an order from a superior to allow mass murder, and that’s exactly what Roe was. Lower magistrates must interpose themselves between the victims of abortion and any higher magistrate who would deprive preborn human beings of the right to life. Specific to this case, state executives, legislators, and judges are the lower magistrates who must defy the tyrannical federal or state judiciary. An abolition bill includes language specifying that it will be enforced regardless of any contrary federal law, executive order, or court opinion.

As Roe should have been ignored by states, so too should state-level laws be ignored by more local enforcement agencies. District Attorneys and Sheriffs, for example, should interpose for the preborn, abolishing abortion in their jurisdictions. If any federal-level law or ruling were to come that defied the God-given right to life for all people, that should be ignored by lower magistrates.

Repeal or supersede all statutes which allow for abortion.

Many laws have been passed by pro-life politicians regulating the murder of preborn human beings — Where they can be murdered, how they can be murdered, by whom they can be murdered, the licensing needed to murder them, etc. An abolition bill repeals these regulations because they codify into law the acceptability of murder in certain circumstances, and therefore must be repealed for abortion to be abolished. For instance, the dismemberment ban must be repealed because it codifies into law the legality of murdering a baby as long as a certain dismemberment technique isn’t used. The parental notification law must be repealed because it specifically codifies into law the practice of murdering a preborn child so long as the grandparents are notified. The partial-birth abortion ban specifically codifies into law the acceptability of murdering a preborn human being as long as the child is not partially delivered before being murdered. All of these laws passed by pro-life politicians and lobbyists regulate where babies can be murdered, how they can be murdered, by whom they can be murdered, and the licensing needed  to murder them. Such laws explicitly contradict an abolition bill which abolishes abortion as murder. Abortion cannot be abolished while there are still laws on the books saying abortion is legal as long as you jump through pro-life hoops. They have to be repealed. An abolition bill repeals them.

AAOK Board & Staff

(Pictures coming soon)


Bill Ascol - President

Coy Cowan - Treasurer

Tim Gillespie - Executive Director

Sam Ketcher

Charles Olson

Jeejo Pallayi

T. Russell Hunter


Tim Gillespie - Executive Director

Michael Sawyer - Grassroots

Beau Hill - Outreach

Nathan Weisser - Online Media

Naomi Jones - Communications

Heather Fry - Administration

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